Inter City Hotels
The stay at an Inter City Hotel saves time and taxi transportation, since your hotel is always located at or in the train station. For the business traveler modern conference facilities with up to date communications technology are available.
At all agencies of German Rail.
- Information:
- Inter City Hotel GmbH
- Ottostrasse 23
- 60329 Frankfurt a.M.
- Tel: 69-2273610
- Inter City Hotels:
- Augsburg Tel: 821-50390
- Bochum Tel: 234-60661
- D�sseldorf Tel: 221-16720
- Duisburg Tel: 203-300050
- Erfurt Tel: 361-56000
- Frankfurt a.M. Tel: 69-273910
- Freiburg Tel: 761-38000
- Hannover Tel:511-327461
- Heidelberg Tel: 6221-9130
- Koln Tel: 221-9128580
- Mannheim Tel: 621-15950
- Munich Tel: 89-545560
- Nurnberg Tel: 911-24780
- Rostock Tel: 381-454830
- Stuttgart Tel: 711-22500
- Ulm Tel: 731-96550
- Weimar Tel: 3643-2340
(Courtesy of the Counsulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany)